Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sketch of website

sketch of website

Final Project Website Project!5799087/what-it-looks-like-falling-down-a-mountain-terrifying

No one likes complicate websites, having to press link after link to find something to basic so simple, so why not improvise ? Meaning: A person going on a website and having it all in front of him, all you need to do is scroll up or down, with the options of having videos posted on the website itself plus your comments are important therefore a blog will be available too.                                                           Simplicity------> Becoming-------> The Future

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Posters My insparation

Two of my many idles are  Tupac Shakur and Eminem, affecting the world with their rhymes and music is something that inspired me to work on.

Found this poster, a blend of Eminem and Tupac and a great start for my project

Sometimes life can be taken away from you with asking for your approval that is why we must appreciate every second we are on this earth alive. Unfortunately Tupac had hes life taken away from him at the age of 25, luckily Eminem is still alive today.

Everything started in the studio, Memories, Friends, Fights, Inspiration etc...

Picture Number 1

Picture Number 2 I put the blend of my picture number 1 on the right hand corner

Final Picture Putting a Studio picture on the left and my idles on the right, trying to show the world that rappers had and still HAVE a great impact on today's society hitting the charts hard and creating mixes are what we are witnessing every day. Thank you

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Logo Project Number 2

First ten things that popped in my head
Two Black Horses symbolizing Strength , Beauty, Passion, with a Sunset in between.
Trying to make a strong symbol, a symbol of Confidence
Why not add my last name in there, plus in reference to King Solomon, who had great wisdom
To top it all off the Star of David in reference to King Solomon too

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Where Am I Heading ?

Combination of integrity

My lights in my room

One of my Photoshop Editing

Great movie, Main sentence, RIP

From the Internet 

Final Photoshop